CitiPower and Powercor – Safety Posters

“Researching movie posters has affected me. I can now be found peering carefully at movie posters analysing their three key design elements of imagery, headline and byline. Sad isn’t it!” – Alicia Whetton – Senior Designer


CitiPower and Powercor

Citipower and Powercor are electricity distributors and manage the poles, wires and equipment that deliver electricity to homes and businesses in Melbourne and through central and western Victoria.


To develop an idea for a safety campaign that would engage the staff enough to change their embedded patterns of behaviour and improve the safety statistics of the company.


Working with the Citipower & Powercor  communications team, Idaho created the idea to use movie posters as a communication platform.

The use of the movie poster idea allows us to develop unusual poster designed that the staff had not seen before and allows the communication and safety departments to present their message in a creating and interesting way.  A side effect of the posters saw the staff referring to the safety topics using the titles of the movie posters.